Keynote speaker Tony Beattie

Family Business Central is thrilled to announce Tony Beattie, from Directus, as a keynote speaker at the upcoming New Zealand Family Business Conference.

Tony has spent more than 40 years guiding his family business to the successful position enjoyed today. He has pushed through challenges and grown the company to span across four different countries.

Directus is an impressive global organisation, with true family business foundations.

“I am motivated by our vision. We have a vision that isn’t too far out into the future, one that is always able to be adapted to changes in the market. It’s important that we are able to adequately quantify how we will achieve our goals.”

We look after our people

We look after our people

Tony understands the need for good people. An organisation relies on the abilities of its team. He feels that the individuals employed by Directus directly impact the company’s success and create a supportive, positive organisational culture. Tony tells us…

“We look after our people. We try to find good talent and reward them well. It’s important to make them feel part of the team… give them an opportunity to have a say in the direction of the company. This way everyone feels invested. This is applicable for all levels of staff… the workers, the executive team, the board members all have a voice. This is important when creating a good culture.”

Fairness in family business

Fairness in family business

Open communication and general understanding are essential elements within a family business. Tony is mindful that the concept of fairness can be challenging. This is where working with Family Business Central to create the Directus family charter has been extremely beneficial.

“Each member of the family needs to realise that one person might receive more based on their needs, but that their needs can change with time. We try to understand how to accommodate those needs… not everyone will receive the same. It can be difficult, but we are just trying to help each other… that’s what families should do. We are motivated by the right reasons and we try to balance expectations.”

While Tony is still full-time in the business, he enjoys recreational boating and fishing. Plus, he loves spending time at the family holiday house. Sharing precious moments with his grandchildren, he knows how to maintain a happy balance.

Tony Beattie will be speaking at the New Zealand Family Business Conference. Register online today.

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