
Family Business Central 201 Webinar Series

Family Business Central has developed six new webinars specifically for family-owned businesses.

The webinars will cover the core areas any family business needs to think about to build the basis for a great family legacy.

Topics will cover:

  • Family and business governance
  • How the generations need to work together
  • Communication
  • Managing conflict

These practical and down to earth webinars will give you tools and methods you can apply to your family business now.

Family Governance 201

Good family governance is the foundation of family legacy. 

This webinar goes into the detail of family governance and how it links with business governance. The webinar introduces family businesses to the concepts of a family council and family charter and how they provide guidance for succession planning, setting clear expectations and reducing conflict as the family and business grows. You will learn what needs to be discussed as a family and the structures to help your family and business thrive. 

Next workshop

  • Tuesday 27 September 2022

    09:00 am – 10:00 am (AEST); 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (NZDT)


Click here to rent this video now

If you are a member of CAANZ and don’t have the promo code for your 10% discount, please get in touch with us

Business Governance 201

Having good business governance in place helps not only drive the business but drive growth into the future.  

The Business Governance webinar covers key issues around shareholders, directors, boards and management. It particularly focuses on the different hats family members wear in the business. You will learn what is appropriate for your specific business and how to implement governance in an easy and cost-effective manner. A key issue for family businesses is often the interaction between family governance and business governance. We’ll discuss this in detail with tips on how to manage family and business issues effectively.

Next workshop

Click here to rent this video now

If you are a member of CAANZ and don’t have the promo code for your 10% discount, please get in touch with us

Be Your Best Generation 201

The way to build a great legacy is to be your best generation.

This exciting webinar provides a brand new way of getting each generation to think about how to be their ‘best generation’ and what this means for them and the family as a whole. In this webinar, you’ll learn the specific things you need to think about, prepare for, and do in order to be your best. We look at the role of each generation, their goals, how best to achieve them, and what this means for the succession of the business. Being your best generation means being involved with and interacting with the other generations in your family. This webinar will encourage each generation to do some critical thinking and then start great conversations that will benefit the family and the business.

Next workshop

Click here to rent this video now

If you are a member of CAANZ and don’t have the promo code for your 10% discount, please get in touch with us

Family Communication 201

Communication in a family is challenging at the best of times and even more so in a family business.  

We know most conflict occurs because of poor communication, so we can reduce conflict significantly by taking our communication skills up a notch. The core values of transparency, honesty and fairness in family business are critical in helping families improve communication, and we’ll show you how this can be done. The webinar covers fundamental communication skills, including how to improve your listening skills to really hear what someone is saying and get your message across in a way that is clearly understood. Having these skills is key to reducing misunderstanding and the potential for conflict in your family.

Next workshop

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Business and Management 201

Most family businesses start with someone having a great idea and then bringing in the family to help out. As the business grows, setting clear business roles, processes and systems is a smart way to boost business productivity at the same time as reducing misunderstandings and conflict.

The Business and Management webinar focuses on the ‘business’ side of the family business. We cover how to set up a great management team, explore the relationship between the directors and the business, and demonstrate the importance of clear roles and responsibilities in management—particularly for family members. This webinar gives you practical and simple steps to help your business function better and position it to grow and thrive.

Next workshop

Click here to rent this video now

If you are a member of CAANZ and don’t have the promo code for your 10% discount, please get in touch with us

Resolving Family Conflict 201

Family conflict is often the worry that keeps families awake at night. The great fear is that the business will start to damage family relationships. To be frank, if it is not managed properly this is exactly what can happen. You are combining love and money, and it’s a potent brew!

The Resolving Family Conflict webinar takes you through practical steps on how to resolve conflict within the family as well as how to prevent it from happening in the future. Family dynamics are challenging because there is history and old patterns driving behaviour. This webinar teaches you how to develop new patterns and manage emotions. We will help you resolve conflict and allow family members to be honest, manage differences of opinion and work together effectively— just what all family businesses need.

Next workshop

  • Tuesday 01 November 2022

    09:00 am – 10:00 am (AEST); 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (NZDT)


Click here to rent this video now

If you are a member of CAANZ and don’t have the promo code for your 10% discount, please get in touch with us

Write Your Own Family Charter workshops

The biggest risk to any family business is misunderstandings, conflict, and poor communication within the family. Get the basic frameworks in place and both risk and conflict with the family and business is significantly reduced. Every successful family business, regardless of size should have both good business governance and family governance. The first step is to develop a Family Charter

This weekly series of four two-hour online workshops is the most cost effective way for a family business to start developing this core part of their Family Governance. It will give your family business the head start it needs and provides you with everything you require to develop an outstanding and long-lasting family charter.

The family charter will give you certainty and security on moving into the future, clear rules and expectations for the family and an effective succession plan.

 Bring along as many family members as you can, and you will: 

  • Start a process that you can then finish off at your own pace with the family at home 
  • Discuss as a family the crucial issues you need to address in a safe and positive environment 
  • Get the framework that addresses all the areas the family and business need to cover. Specifically: 
  • Developing a clear succession plan that everyone in the family is happy with 
  • Clarifying expectations 
  • Learning how to keep ‘family conversations’ separate from ‘business conversations’ 
  • Clarifying the different roles of family members within the business 
  • Learning how to develop the Next Generation 
  • Identifying your values and vision for the business which help guides your future decisions 
  • Learning how to address the key issues before they become ‘conflict zones’. 

 Who is this for? 

The Write Your Own Family Charter workshop has been designed for family businesses that: 

  • Are eager to start the process of creating their own family charter 
  • May be just starting out 
  • May be smaller and who are particularly budget conscious 
  • Have simple family dynamics with reasonable levels of alignment 
  • Have minimal conflict within the family and the business 

When you sign up for the Write Your Own Family Charter workshop , your family receives: 

  • Four facilitated workshops (2 hours each), with as many family members who want to attend 
  • A copy of the Family Business Central Family Charter Template 
  • Access to the library of possible suggestions for key sections of the family charter 
  • A detailed succession plan structure and process 
  • Free access to facilitators between sessions for up to 3 months after the workshop finishes 

The four key areas covered include:

Session 1 – How to build your Family Charter

Session 2 – The Business of Family

Session 3 – Developing a Succession Plan

Session 4 – Review and Finalising the Family Charter

Your family’s investment is $5,500 + GST per family. This is an investment that will provide significant and long term returns and benefits to your family for many years. Please bring as many family members as you want. 

More information

For more information, dates and to register, please contact Kat below.

Family Business 101 workshops

If you are a family business, you are not just another SME! There are important issues that are unique to family businesses that you need to get your head around.

They need to be tackled appropriately and when handled well, can allow the family and the business to grow and prosper for many generations… usually far more successfully and longer lasting than a normal SME.

The team at Family Business Central runs informative and thought provoking two hour sessions that are a fantastic opportunity for any family business to get an update on what they need to do and what they need to pay attention to… as a family and as a business.

Philip Pryor discusses the key challenges that all family businesses need to think about and address.

Next workshop

  • <!–Wednesday 14 April 2021–>We run this online workshop on the 2nd Wednesday of every month

    9:00 am – 11:00 am (AEST)


Topics covered include:

  • The key things that all family businesses need to do and have in place in order to grow and prosper.
  • How to avoid the disasters. (It’s easier than you think!)
  • What is successful succession? What do you need to do and watch out for?
  • Getting the next generation ready – What do they need to learn? What can they teach us?
  • How do you manage Founder’s Syndrome?
  • Setting up proper family governance to complement your business governance.
  • Getting the family aligned so that you’re all going in the same direction.

“It’s great learning about all the areas there are in being a family business and the important things that need attention.” – Hamish

“Good speaker… this is information you need.” – Bevan M.

“So much relevant information for us!” – Gaye S.

“I hope this session sparks a conversation about transparency.” – Louise

Contact Family Business Central